Team Warren Trainings
Text team Training
Join the Text Team for a 30 minute training on how to text with us! We'll show you everything you need to know about our texting system, how to sign up for shifts, and more. Sign up here, and we'll send you the link to log on to the training an hour before it starts.
Typically several sessions per week, click ‘Learn More’ for the full schedule.
To gain access to our call tool, HubDialer, you'll need to attend this staff-led training. By the end of the hour, you'll know where to get the login info, how to make calls on HubDialer, and everything else you'll need to be a phone banking pro!
Typically several sessions per week, click ‘Learn More’ for the full schedule.
Get trained on how to launch a door-to-door canvass in your community! Sign up for a virtual training with a member of the Warren for President organizing staff to learn how to run a successful canvass shift, ask questions, and get support.
Typically several sessions per week, click ‘Learn More’ for the full schedule.
Reach Training
Reach is a new type of canvassing tool — it enables us to turn every day spontaneous interactions into real canvassing data, to help us build our grassroots movement and turn out supporters for Elizabeth. Join us to learn how, when, and why to use Reach with Team Warren!
Typically several sessions per week, click ‘Learn More’ for the full schedule.